Help Build the Site

Discreet Yuppies™ is inviting all of you to take part in building the site. If you have ANYTHING interesting, relevant, fun, entertaining, or informative to share, write it down and have it published in the site.

Why should you write?

I strongly believe that everyone has a unique story to tell. Sharing your story will not only benefit you but may also provide the readers a positive learning experience. You may not know it, but your contributions have the potential to make a positive impact on the life of another.

What shall you write?

If you have something worthwhile you wish to share yet you do not have a personal blog of your own (or even if you already have) on any or all of the following, such as:
1.       An original article you wrote
2.       An unforgettable experience (be it comic, serious, or whatever... JJJ)
3.       Your life story
4.       Your personal struggles and how you made it through
5.       Helpful advices on anything under the sun (an literally, i really mean ANYTHING UNDER THE SUN) that you think may benefit another discreet yuppie
6.       Any thoughts or tips on love, relationship, sex, career, or life in general, etc.
7.       Ideas, opinions, views / perceptions on relevant issues
8.      Questions, no matter how outrageous they may seem as long as they are sensible enough, for other readers to discuss on. This way, you can engage other readers into an interactive discussion.
9.       Any issues, concerns, and solutions on matters of health, personal growth, improvement / development, religion, sex, etc. etc.
10. Others (I got a recent suggestion that a "naughty section" should be included in the site's features, which is to contain "naughty" stories and experiences shared by the site's readers. So, if you got any and wish to share it, feel free. *wink*)

if it is relevant to the life of a discreet homosexual / bisexual, I highly encourage that you share it.

Where will you send your write-up?

Kindly send your contributions to discreetyuppies@yahoo.com with:
1.       The title of your write-up/article
2.       Your “pen” name (i.e. whatever name you like to identify yourself as the author)
3.       A little background info about yourself as the author (i.e. can include your age, marital status, and general occupation information, etc.)
4.       OPTIONAL: Photo of yourself (only if you want to, and if you dare)
5.       PREFERRED but not required:  an accompanying photo relevant to your article.

How should your articles be?

When you write, just be sincere, honest, and be candid in writing your articles. Speak your mind and heart out. Hold no bars.  However, if ever you are sharing an article that is somewhat "naughty" in nature *wink,* please see to it that your article is not overly explicit in nature. J A healthy dose of sensuality is okay for as long as it is within constructive limits. We surely do not want to make our readers unnecessarily horny from reading the articles, do we?  J  What is most important is that your article tells of your experience and how it has influenced your life so that others may learn or get inspiration from it. 

I prefer that you article is in English so everybody from around the globe can understand; however if you are more comfortable with Tagalog then feel free to send it, as well. No need to worry as this site is equipped with a language translator tool.

Why am I calling out to you?

I envision this blog to be a resource site for discreet yuppies like you and me. I intended this blog to inspire people like us, in whatever way it can. I like to think that this blog is not only my own personal blog but this is OUR blog, and we will see this grow! J

So, my dear guy and g0y friends, I am hoping that you will hear this call. Any literary contribution from you is sincerely appreciated and valued and shall be duly credited to you. 

So what are you waiting for? Be an inspiration. Send in your story now!

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