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Discreet Yuppies™

...a new virtual hang-out place for discreet homosexual and bisexual professionals (and non-professionals) in the Philippines and around the globe.
...a resource site where everyone can go freely to share and acquire relevant and helpful information and interact with one another.

Right now, Discreet Yuppies™ is inviting all of you to take part in building the site. If you have ANYTHING interesting, relevant, fun, or informative to share, write it down and have it published in the site. Submit your stories to discreetyuppies@yahoo.com
Read the Guide to article submissionfor more details.

Finally, to maximize your Discreet Yuppies™ visit experience, I highly encourage that you to participate in the interactive forum, join the chat, leave comments, and vote in the polls. Or, you may just chill out and relax. Discreet Yuppies™ features live radio streams to provid
e you with the coolest and latest music.
Thanks for visiting the site. Feel at home! Cheers...

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