1. Precontemplation Stage
a. You have at least one of the desctructive and self-defeating behaviours you need to change.
b. You don’t admit you have a problem
c. You see unhealthy habits in others but not on yourself
d. You don’t want to change yourself
e. You think others are to blame for your habits or difficulties
f. Others might be conscious of your behavior. (parents complaining of your staying up late at night, losing weight; teachers tell you your grades are a bit low; friend tells you you have no time, you are changing; employers might be complaining of your performance)
g. There is denial and resistance to change
h. If you stay in this stage, you are stuck, and you’ll surely be defeated.
i. You need to be more conscious of your own self by doing a self-assessment.
a. You acknowledge you have a problem, and you want to get unstucked.
b. You begin to think seriously about solving your problem.
c. You try understand its causes and you begin to investigate your options.
d. You make definite plans to take action immediately or within the next few months.
e. In this stage, you might be stuck for months or years if you don’t proceed to the next stage. Why? You know you need to change, and you intend to... someday.. just as soon as.. after... when the rush is over... You know your desire to change and you know where you're going (destination) but you are not quite ready to go. Giving up something you have come treasure is a hard thing to do.
f. Here, you fear you’ll fail. It’s hard to change. You say to yourself, "I can’t possibly change. " So you keep searching for an easier, more dramatic, or more complete solution to your problem.
g. Failure is guaranteed if you don't move on to the next stage.
a. Here you make plans and you prepare for the BIG change. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
b. You greatly reduce your success probability if you suddenly wake up one morning, then say “This is the day” and dive headfirst into a change without realistically and specifically planning how you will make the change happen.
c. Therefore, here you need to develop a detailed plan of action and you may announce your intention publicly. You may tell others, your friends, parents, colleagues, etc. They can help and support you in the process.
d. Your awareness might be high and you may have already begun small behavioural changes.
e. Important: Before moving ahead with your plan (the next stage, which is ACTION), you need to know exactly HOW you will keep your awareness and commitment high throughout the struggles of the next stages. (Ask others to remind you. Post some notes/reminders.)
a. As Nike's slogan says "JUST DO IT!" then should you. And do it now!
b. This action stage requires the most commitment and energy. It’s where you actually execute your plan.
c. Here, you receive the most recognition and support during this stage, because others can see that you’re working at it.
d. You follow the plan you have made in stage 3, make revisions of your plan, and “keep on keeping on” even if its inconvenient or difficult.
e. CAUTION: Action at this point doesn't necessarily mean that lasting change has been made. Action is an essential part of the process, but failure to MAINTAIN the new behaviour you are doing can SABOTAGE the progress you’ve made so far.
a. This stage is a long, ongoing process.
b. This is the most difficult. (e.g. maintaining a diet for losing weight, sustaining punctuality, etc.)
c. Here, you to need to be at constant vigilance and cautious in your dealings with those temptations that can draw you back into the old, destructive pattern.
d. You need hard work to consolidate the gains you've made during the first four stages and to PREVENT RELAPSE. DON’T SLIP BACK!!!
e. Celebrate achieving your goals. Treat yourself! But don’t relax and tell yourself, “Whew! I’m glad It’s over!” because it is not.
f. Develop a menu of mental and behavioral coping strategies that will take you through the times when your feet begin to slip. Keep in mind:
1. The more addictive the habit was, the MORE FIERCE the battle would be
2. In times of stress and problems or conflicts, people are most likely to slip.
3. Once you slip, you can fall back to previous stages or worse, right back to the start and begin the process all over again! Sayang and hard work mo...
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